Week 1 in the Undergraduate SM course

The University of Memphis undergraduate course in Social Media & Mass Communication got underway last week. As I assumed it would, the course attracted a large number of students with various backgrounds and concentrations. The class primarily consists of print and broadcast journalists, but we also have some advertising, PR, communications and even a Chemistry major! The first day of class included the typical introduction of the course and a discussion surrounding the changing landscape of mass communication & journalism with the advent of social media. In addition, the students were asked to post a little bit of information about themselves on the class blog to let us know what they are all about and what they plan on getting out of this course. Feel free to check out some of the brilliant folks we have in our class here.

Additionally, the students watched the Social Media Revolution video and Googlezon video in order to get a better understanding of what is happening and what HAS happened within the world of social media.

Stay tuned for updates on what is going on in our class!!!

About Donna Sudderth

PR grad student at the University of Memphis interested in nonprofit PR, social media and the ever-changing world we live in! View all posts by Donna Sudderth

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